Online learning comes with its share of expectations and benefits that are undoubtedly different from the traditional classroom set-up. And if you are new to the world of online learning, some amount of anxiety is normal.Especially when it’s a LIVE class, you might find yourself dealing with questions like:

  • How do I prepare for the LIVE class?
  • Will I be able to stay focused during the LIVE Class?
  • What are the important things I should know before attending a LIVE class?
  • How can I make the most of my LIVE class?

Online learning is certainly different from classroom learning but with a little practice and developing the right temperament, you can reap the maximum benefits from a LIVE class and get closer to your career dream.

So, in today’s article, we’ll provide answers to your questions related to LIVE Class through some of the important things that are must before attending a LIVE class for an enhanced learning experience.

1. Always Be Present On-Time: Just like you have a set discipline for classroom learning, it is essential to follow the same during online learning too. And the first rule for successful online learning is always being on time. Log-in to your LIVE class portal 5 minutes before the exact time. This will help you settle before class commencement and give you plenty of room to get the required learning aids handy.

2. Get Familiar with the Learning Tools: Next important thing to do is learning how to operate the primary controls such as turning on/off the webcam, muting/unmuting the mic, and navigating through the portal. When you are familiar with your learning portal and its features, it becomes easier for you to use them when the need arises.

3. Select the Right Study Space:Moving on, now it’s time to select the study space. While doing so, consider choosing a spot that’s quiet, well-lit, and ventilated. The place should be clutter-free and devoid of any noise or distraction so that your learning doesn’t get uninterrupted. Choosing a proper study space even uplifts your energy and keeps you fresh.

4. Maintain Your Focus & Attention: Once your LIVE class commences, make sure that you turn off all the notifications on your device (smartphone/laptop/tab). Furthermore, you must make it a point to have just one tab opened, that is, your LIVE class tab. This will ensure that you are not distracted in any manner.

5. Show Your Presence: For a successful LIVE class, student-teacher interaction forms the base.If your teacher is using chats, polls, or any other medium to check your conceptual understanding of the topic being taught, make sure to show your active participation. You may even take this opportunity to put across your doubts.

6. Never Forget to Take Notes: Always have your notebook and pen handy to write down important notes. You might be getting all the required study material for the class but taking personal notes provide added benefits and help you understand the topic thoroughly. The notes even help you at the time of revision.

7. Be Regular with Your Reading & Assignments: Once your LIVE class is over, check if there are notes provided by the teacher. Finish all the assignments and reading material on time so that you can understand the topic better. If there are any tests assigned for the topic, do take them to test your knowledge and analyse your learning progress.

Make these points a part of your learning experience to make the most of your LIVE classes and enjoy uninterrupted learning. Good Luck for your next LIVE class!


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