What is karma?

The idea of karma has several definitions. The proverbs “what goes around comes around” and “what you sow is what you reap” are excellent illustrations of how karma operates.

It is the connection between a person’s mental or physical actions and the results that follow. It also represents the results of a person’s past and present deeds, as well as the moral cause-and-effect relationship.

Also, it describes the idea of cause and effect. Both the deed and the goal of behavior—which may be verbal, mental, or physical—determine the outcome.

What are the 12 laws of Karma?

The 12 laws of karma can help you understand how karma really wd how to create good karma in your life.

        1. The law of cause and effect

         This law states that no matter what ideas or energy you send out, you will receive it back in like. You must embody and merit the things you want to                     obtain them. It is the idea that you reap what you sow.

         2.  The creational law

         It suggests asking yourself what you need to let go of to make room for the thing you want to manifest. Think about how you may develop something                 that not only helps you but also others by using your talents, skills, and strengths.

          3.  The law of modesty

          The foundation of the law of humility is the idea that you must have enough modesty to acknowledge that your current situation is the outcome of your              previous deeds. 

          4. The law of growth

          We must first grow within. You must start with yourself if you want to positively impact the world. Because you have authority over yourself and not                    others, real change or personal progress starts with you.

          The law of growth also considers the circumstances beyond your control and how you cope with them. Your primary concern should be you, not trying                to influence those or things around you.

           5. The law of responsibility

            It serves as a reminder that you are responsible for your life’s events. It serves as a terrific reminder that you are responsible for your own actions. This              takes away your ability to investigate the origin of your issues on the outside.

           6. The Law Connection

           This law is founded on the idea that all aspects of your life—past, present, and future—are interconnected.The choices you made in the past have                         shaped who you are today, and the choices you make today will shape who you are tomorrow.

            7. The Law of Focus

            You may become frustrated and negative if you try to focus on too many things at once. The law of attention advises you to focus on one subject at a                time because of this.

            You are less likely to become sidetracked by strong emotions of resentment, greed, or rage if you put your attention on higher values like love and                        peace.

             8. Law of giving and hospitality

             This law explains the significance of your behaviours and how they reveal your inner beliefs.

             To accomplish this, the overall idea is our behavior should match our thoughts and actions. We should live by the values we hold dear. It is not enough               to talk about patience, caring, and honesty while acting from impatience, selfishness, or gossiping.

             9. The law of the here and now

             You must live in the present if you want to feel mentally calm. You can only do this once you stop holding on to old, harmful ideas or habits. If you                         spend too much time thinking about the past, you will keep reliving it.

             10. The Law of Change     

             As was already stated, the past, present, and future are all interconnected that does not mean that you spend a lot of time in the present day  dwelling                 on the past. If you are doing such actions, it means that you are closing the door of growth with your own hands.  If you do not take action to interrupt                 the cycle and learn from your mistakes, history will keep repeating itself, according to this theory.

             Change opens fresh opportunities for you to break away from old patterns and build a better future and version of yourself.

            11. The Law of Patience and Reward

             In our karmic actions today, we must act consistently. It is pointless to lead a healthy lifestyle one day while destroying it the next. If you maintain                         consistency in your goals, they will materialize. 

           12. The Law of Importance and Inspiration  

             Every contribution you make will have an impact on the world, according to this law. You were given a unique gift, a distinct mission, and a purpose                     that  only you can share with the world. You are here to authentically share your talents and abilities.

The conclusion

You can use the 12 laws of karma as a blueprint or road map to follow as you navigate daily life. These laws can assist you in comprehending the true nature of karma and the impact that your thoughts and deeds can have both on you and the world you live in.

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