As we discussed in our previous blog, note-taking plays a vital role in your self-learning process. It allows you to understand the concepts in depth and develop a sound knowledge of the topics. Furthermore, notes even come in handy during the revision period. With the help of notes, you highlight the important topics and revise them thoroughly.

However, in order to make the most of note-taking, it is important that you follow a well-defined strategy. This will allow you to utilize the time effectively and make highly useful notes.

In today’s blog, we will be discussing these strategies that play a vital role when it comes to note-taking.

Important Things to Consider When Taking Notes

If you are watching a recorded lecture, you should type or jot down all the important and key information that is delivered during the recorded lecture. You can use short forms or annotations to write your notes real quick. The information can include vital facts related to the topic, definitions, important terms or formulas. Writing such crucial information proves extremely helpful in understanding the lessons better.

When watching a live lecture, you can follow the same method. However, here you have to be a little careful so as to not miss out on any vital detail while taking the note. Pay complete attention to the lecture. If you are not able to keep pace with the lecture, you can even try underlining the points and making the notes once the class is over.

After Note-Taking Process

Once you have taken the notes, the next thing that you should do without fail is read them and summarize them mentally. By doing this, you will be able to reinforce the information, enhance your understanding of the concept and strengthen your memory. You can even filter the notes further so as to retain only vital information. The notes should remain clutter-free so that they prove useful during the revision time.

Revise your notes and prepare questions out of them. This will help in developing an in-depth conceptual understanding.
Keep reviewing the notes after each session so that you can retain the information learned and remember things faster.

Some Important Tips to Remember

• Use easy and clear language when taking notes
• Abbreviate so as to increase speed and simplify the process
• Separately mark your notes for each class
• Keep up with the lectures
• Organize the notes for easy learning
• Summarize the notes
• Revise notes every day

Keeping these things in mind, you can take good notes and get maximum benefit. Also, this way you will find the process more enjoyable rather than tedious.

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